Title: Valuing the User Benefits of Companies House Data
Client: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Companies House.
Year: 2019
Service area(s): economic valuation
Country/Region: UK
eftec team: Allan Provins, Francesco Cherchi
About the project
In this study we worked with BEIS and Companies House to estimate the economic value of the information they provide about companies in the UK free of charge.
We used a stated preference approach to simulate market choices to reveal overall user benefits and identify the types of company information that generate the greatest user value. Results were used to estimate the annual aggregate benefits of Companies House data and – using an illustrative policy scenario - demonstrate the social welfare impact of introducing charges for the currently free to access data.
We assessed the direct user benefits to businesses and organisations from the online services provided by Companies House. Our project partner, ICF, assessed the contribution of the data to public sector organisations and intermediaries who incorporate it into their products services.
Client feedback:
Louise Smyth, Chief Executive at Companies House, said:
“As one of the most open registers in the world, we know that by making the information accessible more people will use it. Last year alone our data was accessed more than 6 billion times.”
“This research now shows how incredibly valuable Companies House information is to data consumers, ultimately helping to drive confidence in the UK economy.”